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Rabbit Farming in Nigeria      

              Rabbit farming in Nigeria

Rabbit farming in Nigeria

Rabbit farming is one of the aspects of a successful agricultural business that you can be involved into. Over one million tons of rabbit meat is consumed every year. That's a great source of income in Africa and especially in Nigeria. Moreover, rabbits can be used not only as meat, but a great source of fur, and you can even raise them to be home pets!

What is Rabbit Farming?.

It`s a commercial rearing of rabbits, primary for sale purposes. You can breed them to sell their meat or fur. Rabbit Farming does not involve many expenses in the production of rabbits. Moreover, the nature of rabbits and their breeding preferences can certainly help a newbie in the business.

  Risks and Advantages of Rabbit Farming in Nigeria 

Rabbit farming in Nigeria

Risks of rabbit farming:

.1) You should construct rabbits` cages difficult to be penetrated by intruders. Rabbits can be eaten or killed by almost any other animal. Therefore, insects, soldier ants, and snakes can easily destroy rabbit breeds.

 .2) Infections can easily destroy your rabbit farming business. Therefore, watch carefully after any occurrence of diseases. 

.3) Be ready to spend more money for feeding rabbits as they do not always concentrate on reproduction.

        Advantages Of Rabbit Farming In Nigeria

. Rabbit rearing is popular amongst Nigerians and the whole Africa.

.You can rear rabbits not only for meat but their fur can also be sold.

.There is always a market for rabbits in Africa. Therefore, you will not lack clients as farming is a profitable venture.

.It can not be your full day business, Rabbits can take care of them selves if you create nice cages for them. you can still have your 8-5job if you wish.

.You can use few rabbits as pets.

.Rabbits are cheaper to raise than any other livestock.

.Rabbits can grow very fast.

.Rabbits can be a great substitute for poultry products.

.You can employ cheap labor to look after your rabbits farm.

.Rabbit farming does not require special knowledge about breeding process.

.Some people find rabbits amusing and use them as pets. 

.Rabbit can be your sector of income.

 Rabbits are well profitable.


ujoh said…


If you want to go into rabbit farm business, There are so many company website this days like that will enable you as a beginner to raise the fund you need to start up your rabbit farm business without you seeking for a loan.

This company is where many business dealers from all over the world generate fund that backup their various businesses financially.

I used this company to backup my cocoa beans export business each time my business is running down.

You can visit and register with the company website here to raise the fund you need now to go into your rabbit farm business.

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