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how to identify mint from scent leaf

HOW TO IDENTIFY MINT LEAF FROM SCENT LEAF     ABOVE IS A PICTURE OF MINT LEAVES (KNOWN AS MENTA IN SPANISH) ABOVE IS A PICTURE OF SCENT LEAVES (OCIMUM GRATISSIMUM) Mint leaves (known as Menta in Spanish) are in the family of aromatic herbs that are used to add specific aroma to dishes. They taste like very mild peppermint with a cool aftertaste. On visual inspection, they look so much like our Scent leaves (Nchanwu, Efirin) in that the leaves are arranged in opposite pairs on the main stalk and the leaves from these 2 herbs look very much alike. But the scents and tastes of Mint Leaves and Scent Leaves are not the same at all. So can Mint Leaves be used as alternative to our Scent Leaves? It’s a big NO from me . If you have never tried it and you are curious about the taste, do try it and see if you like it. I must add that Mint Leaf is a great addition to some Mediterranean meals such as Meat Balls Sauce and they are great in detox water that is use...

Rabbit Farming in Nigeria                      Rabbit farming in Nigeria Rabbit farming is one of the aspects of a successful agricultural business that you can be involved into. Over one million tons of rabbit meat is consumed every year. That's a great source of income in Africa and especially in Nigeria. Moreover, rabbits can be used not only as meat, but a great source of fur, and you can even raise them to be home pets! W hat is Rabbit Farming?. It`s a commercial rearing of rabbits, primary for sale purposes. You can breed them to sell their meat or fur. Rabbit Farming does not involve many expenses in the production of rabbits. Moreover, the nature of rabbits and their breeding preferences can certainly help a newbie in the business.   Risks and Advantages of Rabbit Farming in Nigeria  Risks of rabbit farming: .1) You should construct rabbits` cages difficult to be p...

profits of fish farming in Nigeria

profits in fishery profits of fish farming in Nigeria There are so many information on the internet on how to start fish farming in Nigeria especially catfish farming but few are detailed enough to really assist aspiring fish farmer to get started. I will be endeavor to make this article as detailed as possible and hope that other experienced fish farmer will add to it as we try to answer people’s questions by commenting. One of the most popular agribusiness in Nigeria is fish farming and for good reasons. Gone are the days when the only means of getting fish is by catching it in the local rivers and ponds through trial and errors. Today, the modern farm practice has made it possible to grow fish in the farms and control the input. If you are thinking of business to start now, I recommend you start Catfish Farming. If you are an existing farmer and you are looking to expand your farm capacity, I’d encourage you add fish farming to your line of business. Unlike rabbit farm...